Saturday, March 13, 2010

The End of "The Beginning..."

While everyone we knew was thinking about shopping for Christmas presents, we were taking the concept of "boxing it up" to a whole new level. It is a challenge to suddenly realize you are going to be "homeless:" no place to put your "stuff," and no permanent address. And so we boxed up everything we owned (except what we were taking with us by car to Florida) and put it in storage in Fresno near the kids (including one other car).
Our journey to Florida was not going to be a straight line. We had decided to drive from Fresno to Art's family home in Iowa for Christmas. As you might guess, we had lots of snowy, icy weather there and stayed a day or two longer than
we had planned. Florida was sure looking good about this point!
After leaving Art's parents, we had terrible driving conditions in Iowa/Illinois--lots of snow and ice, and cars sliding off the road or banging into one another. It was rather eye-opening (and a little entertaining watching all those fools skid into the ditches), but once we got to Kentucky, things got better, save for an L.A. style traffic jam outside of Chattanooga which cost us a couple of hours. After that, we cruised into Atlanta, then into Melbourne, Florida and finally into Stuart.
At last we were united with our new boat. Once on board, we moved the boat to the Marriott Marina on Hutchinson Island here in Stuart--boy is it great--and that will be my next topic.
(The top photo was taken of Art's parent"s back yard. Art & I are standing on their back deck in the second photo.)

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