Saturday, May 1, 2010

Georgetown to North Myrtle Beach

     We woke up in Georgetown to cloudy skies and a promise of rain in the forecast (it didn't take much to convince me--the humidity level here would qualify as rain in California).  We headed out, and sure enough, the drizzle began.  But it was still a fun day with wildlife to see, some quirky bridges and the usual collection of homes along the way.  Today's post will be a photo essay of our day.

We passed so many trees with Osprey nests and an Osprey sitting there keeping watch.  We were about to find out what they were doing.

They were watching mama looking out for her chicks.

I think this is the first "swing" bridge we have come across on this trip.  The bridge tender had a reputation for being a cranky old guy and he didn't disappoint. The bridge opened only on a set schedule and we were told before leaving Georgetown that he would only open it between 10 am and 2 pm on the day we were passing.  We floated around in the middle of the channel with a few other boats for about 15 minutes before he opened the bridge for us to pass.

This poor house was part of a small group of fishing camps built in the water (I didn't have a wide enough lens to capture the very nice house next to him), but this guy's fishing days are over.

This McMansion is typical of the homes we have seen along this trip.  Attention IRS:  there are a lot of very rich people living in the swamps of South Carolina.  We have been absolutely amazed at the size of some of the homes we have passed.

     We are about to cruise into North Myrtle Beach for our meetings, and that will be next.


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